Founders Day Cookowt in Raleigh, NC

Dozens of Iota men, Iota Sweethearts, members of other Divine Nine organizations, and guests gathered at Biltmore Hills Park in Raleigh, N.C. to celebrate Iota Phi Theta’s Founders Day.

The event, hosted by the Triangle Iotas, was a success due to the large turnout, including dozens of Iota Men.

The Triangle Iotas are greatly appreciative of everyone who attended.

Social Event: 2019 ISI Christmas Brunch Fundraiser

Alpha Epsilon Omega works closely with the RDU Chapter of Iota Sweethearts, Inc., throughout the year, so AEO was proud to partner with ISI RDU on their Christmas Brunch Fundraiser, where they collected dozens of toys and monetary donations for children in need this holiday season.

Social Gathering: Fun at the Drive Shack


Alpha Epsilon Omega is about serving the community, but we also like to socialize and have a little fun.

Members of AEO, the Theta Lambda Sigma chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., and the RDU Chapter of Iota Sweethearts, Inc., spent Friday evening at The Drive Shack, which recently opened in Raleigh.

Here are a few highlights from Friday’s outing: